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MMM Pass - 3 days

Dear regular bird, thank you for flying with us!

Welcome to your fast guide to booking your spot in the most MYTHICAL event!

You are only 2 steps away...

Step 1: Fill in the form

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Step 1 has been completed! Thank you!
Now please kindly follow the next steps below.

Step 2: Pay MMM pass

MMM pass

/ person

Please kindly transfer 134 to the following Bank account:

Amount 134
(includes bank payment processing fee of €4)
Bank Piraeus Bank
IBAN GR2301713660006366167625203
Beneficiary info Sealva OE
Beneficiary address Agia Pelagia, Heraklion, Greece, PC: 71500

Mambo fever is catching!

Once the Pass payment hits our inbox, your mambo adventure starts! Your booking confirmation is about to drop like a beat.

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